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Suppose Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or Elon Musk were to come to you and offer you ground-floor opportunities to invest in what they are experts in before the stock went public – would you “load the boat?”


What if Jesus were to offer you “insider information” on “incredible stock pics” for His family businesses? According to our research, the best return you can get on planet Earth is 10% annual growth (unhindered) for the rest of your life.


Building an investment portfolio in God’s Kingdom is a sure deal and you can trust THE CEO. He has incredible knowledge and experience; plus, He has seen the rise and fall of many markets. Your investments in Him are safe and you can expect EXPONENTIAL - actually - “out of this world" ROI!

At Outdoor Missions, we invest financially and relationally with extremely effective ministries, each gifted in their own specific mission, and we create true wealth within not only the missionplace – but also the marketplace.

By giving to - or better yet “investing” in Outdoor Missions – you help us – to advance ministries and increase ROI to great Kingdom stewards and investors looking for “Highest Yield.”

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